Vaginal Rejuvenation

Over time, a woman’s vaginal muscles can lose strength and control, and the inner and outer dimensions of the vagina can increase. This can cause reduced sexual sensation for both the woman and her sexual partner and dramatically affect the woman’s self-esteem. Vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reverse the effects of childbirth and aging and restore the dimensions of the vagina. During this procedure, vaginal muscles and support tissues are tightened and toned and the vaginal lining is reduced, resulting in greater sensitivity and sexual gratification for the woman and her partner.

At his Tijuana office, Dr. Camacho-Melo and his discreet and understanding staff are skilled in the art of vaginoplasty. The latest procedure that Dr. Camacho-Melo performs is the G-Spot optimization, please come in for a consultation on this new procedure. If you feel that vaginoplasty might be right for you, please contact Dr. Camacho-Melo today.

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