

Sometimes it seems as though no matter how hard you work, you just can’t get rid of bothersome fat deposits. Despite regular exercise and healthy eating habits, fat pockets can still remain on the abdomen, hips, arms, thighs, and other areas where you least want them.

Dr. Daniel Camacho-Melo and our compassionate team at Cammel Plastic Surgery understand the desire for smooth, shapely contours and how looking your best can enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem.  To this end, we offer liposuction as an excellent way to remove stubborn fat from any area on the body in a safe and effective manner. We invite you to learn more about Vaser® liposuction treatment at our practice in Tijuana, near Rosarito, Mexico.

Lipo can be performed on just about any area of the body: cheeks, jowls, neck, chest and breast area, upper arms, back, waist, hips, buttocks, inner and outer thighs and knees.

Liposuction is by no means an alternative to weight loss and should be seen as an enhancement to eliminate stubborn areas, sculpting and contouring the body, creating a more attractive balance.

Prior to surgery

You will be asked to refrain from smoking a minimum of 3 weeks before surgery and continue for 3 weeks after while going through the healing process. Also, you will not be able to use certain over-the-counter medications that contain aspirin, due to the risk of increased bleeding. Dr. Camacho Melo will discuss your individual needs and precautions with you in advance of the procedure.

What to expect after surgery?

Some pain, swelling, bruising, or fluid retention may occur, a drainage tube will be placed under the skin to prevent excess fluid from building up. Many patients feel stiff and sore for several days following Lipo and some patients will be asked to wear a compression garment to provide support for 4-8 weeks. Patients having a Brazilian Butt Lift need to avoid sitting directly on their buttocks and are required to use a Boppy Pillow. Strenuous activities will be restricted but a normal lifestyle should resume within a week or two.

Results with these procedures are dramatic, creating a smooth and beautifully proportioned body, resulting in a more youthful and confident you.

Send your pictures and we´ll gladly evaluate your case.

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