Breast Augmentation

For many women, the size and shape of the breasts play an important role in creating a healthy self-image. Full, shapely, feminine curves are often considered to be an aesthetic ideal, and breast augmentation procedures at Cammel Plastic Surgery can help patients achieve that cosmetic goal. Modern techniques and breast implants enable Dr. Daniel Camacho-Melo to enlarge breast size safely and effectively while ensuring that results are beautifully smooth and natural-looking. Women who desire a more voluptuous, symmetrical, or firm bust are invited to learn more about breast augmentation and enhancement by contacting our Tijuana practice, near Rosarito.

  • Cohesive Gel Implants
  • The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Cohesive Gel Implants

Dr. Daniel Camacho-Melo is proud to offer new cohesive silicone gel implants to breast enhancement patients at his Tijuana office. Unlike traditional silicone or saline fillers which may leak into the body if the implant is ruptured, cohesive gel implants resist integration into the system. While cohesive silicone gel implants are not yet available in the United States, doctors in other parts of the world, including Mexico and Brazil, have used them with great success for years.

Dr. Camacho-Melo understands that breast surgery can be a sensitive topic of discussion for many women, and he and his staff are confident that they can make any patient feel at ease. If you are interested in enhancing your figure with cohesive gel breast implants, please do not hesitate to contact Cammel Plastic Surgery.  Our friendly team members will be happy to schedule a breast augmentation consultation at our office location in Tijuana, near Rosarito, Mexico.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia and  generally takes only one to two hours to complete. To begin the procedure, Dr. Daniel Camacho-Melo will make a discrete incision either on the outer edge of the areola or underneath the breast fold. Then the cohesive gel implants are placed underneath the chest muscle. Dr. Camacho-Melo prefers this implant location over subglandular placement (within the breast tissue) because results tend to be smoother and more natural looking. After the implants have been placed, Dr. Camacho-Melo will suture the incisions and wrap the breasts with a support bandage.

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation at Our Practice near Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico

If you would like to enhance your figure with shapely, attractive curves, we invite you to contact Cammel Plastic Surgery today and schedule a breast augmentation consultation. Our practice serves patients from Tijuana and Rosarito in Mexico to Los Angeles and San Diego, California.

Send your pictures and we´ll gladly evaluate your case.

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